March 2020

March 2020

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Have you ever done something you didn't really think you could do? Maybe something you really didn't want to do? Perhaps it was something you didn't even care about doing? Well the resulting feeling in all three cases is pride and self confidence. The case is no different in our class. If you haven't heard by now, our puzzle center is not the desired center for morning arrival. It started this year with a bad reputation as being boring and no fun. So today, two brave little students stuck it out in puzzles and guess what....You guessed it...PRIDE! They worked these puzzles, with little faith that it would mean anything, and voila - they did it and felt so proud of their work. (You can see it in their smiles.) It seems like a "not so big deal" except, everyone in the class got intrigued and had to come try it out. I'll admit that I say a lot of "corny" things - but in my heart I really believe that working puzzles in our class makes your "brain grow." It takes some real problem solving and determination to stick with a puzzle. Great Job!!!

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