March 2020

March 2020

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I Am Special

Today we had our first chapel. It was really fun because Mrs. Nikki talked about how God made each of us special. Now the really fun part was her use of cookies. I'll have to say it was an attention grabbing chapel because the assortment of cookies was really appealing. She talked about how all cookies aren't the same even though they are all really cookies. We looked at Oreo's, Sprinkle cookies, iced cookies & M&M cookies...yes they are all cookies but each kind is special...just like we are. Through sharing our "me" bags we learned something special about each friend in our class and the children are amazed by the things they do and don't have in common. God really did make each one of us special and unique with different talents and personalities. As we learn and grow together this year, we will all learn how to appreciate each other's differences. Here is an art project being displayed in our room. It is another way to see that we are all the same but different. Our little hand prints aren't exactly the same and the way we decorated the border is as different as we are. Isn't God cool? He made everyone so special and I am so glad that He did. Our class sure would be boring if we were all alike.

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