March 2020

March 2020

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Filling Our Buckets

As a way to teach our class about working together and sharing God's love, we read a book by Carol McCloud called Have You Filled A Bucket Today? The story talks about how we each carry around an invisible bucket and when we use kind words and actions, we become bucket fillers {filling other people’s buckets}. But when we say and do things that aren’t kind and compassionate, we’re bucket dippers…emptying all the good feelings out of everyone else’s buckets.
We had a blast learning to fill each others buckets. We even have a class bucket that will earn a treat for everyone when it is full. Sometimes when we dip into a friend's bucket there are not so many smiles, but God is so good - He forgives us, just like our friends. Then - our bucket gets filled up to the top again. I cannot say enough how much these children let God's light shine through their bright eyes and beautiful smiles. Even with the "bumps" in our day, they manage to fill my bucket to the top. Every year God seems to bless Mrs. Laurie & I with the perfect group of children. Practice being a bucket filler - it will do your heart good.

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