March 2020

March 2020

Friday, August 29, 2014

If You Take A Mouse To School

Another art project from our first week at school.  We read If You Take A Mouse To School by Laura Numeroff.  It was about this silly little mouse that went to school one day.  We had some fun with shapes and made these little friends to hang in the hall.  As you come up the stairs, take a minute to check out our hard work.

A Teddy Bear Picnic

A teddy bear picnic?  At our school?  Yep, teddy bears were everywhere in our classroom.  They sat in the teacher chair, read some books and just made our day full of "cuddles & snuggles." 
We even read a book about a bear that needed a home.  Sweet Corduroy finally found someone to be his friend.  You should find a little Corduroy art project in your child's folder this week.
 There were bears on the rug...

 bears making friends,
 and bears playing in centers.  (These bears were getting check ups at the "bear hospital" the children set up in our home living center.
bear sorting & bear puzzles....

 Then it was time for the PICNIC....

What a fun day!  Our teddy bears had an adventure and we had so much fun showing them around our classroom.  Sweet dreams to our stuffed friends after a long day of learning and playing.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Our "Pete The Cat" Art

 Here is our first art project.  We love Pete the Cat, so we did a super simple color, cut & paste. These little cuties are hanging just outside of our door.  Stop by and see our first masterpiece. 

Look What I Can Do!

Little things are really BIG in our classroom.  Our second day of school and we are already growing & learning so much.  I could have taken pictures of everyone, but time moves fast.  We can open chip bags by ourselves and put our own straws in our juice boxes.  It is easy for adults, but a major accomplishment for our boys and girls.  Yay for learning new things and yum for lunch time!

Getting To Know You....

Random pictures of our first day....we did some expert lacing.

Played in centers...

and read a great book about "Pete the Cat."   

An Awesome First Day

 We started school and it was a perfect day!  New bags, new lunch boxes and lots of excitement.

 We learned how to check in to let everyone know we were present and even did our first school work....
 There is so much to see and so much to learn...
and yes, it is "Shaping Up To Be A Great Year!!!!!"

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Welcome Back!!!!

Hooray!!!!! It is that time of year - Time for us to get back to preschool.  I know it seems like we just left, but there is so much fun to be had, learning & growing in God's love!  
 Our centers have changed and the room is ready for new faces to come in, make friends, learn new things and have fun!  Some of us have already stopped in to say "hello."  They made these cute little  "check in friends" to let us know that they are part of our class family.
 The weather man is waiting for us to start using our "science skills" by watching the sky and telling him what he needs to wear for the day....
 and the learning wall is ready to show us the way to count and write our letters....
 BUT, the most important part is the fun we will have with Pete the Cat.  He has a pair of magic sunglasses to take home.  He is going to be with us this year teaching us about getting along and having fun!!!!