March 2020

March 2020

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Our Family Trees

 Here is our family tree art project.  This one took us several days because we added a little more each day.  Each child painted their own tree so if it looks a little strange, it is how they wanted it to look.  Then we stamped the leaves and added the apples with a "real" apple.  (I have to say a "real" apple because they could not believe that we were stamping with a "real live" apple.)  If you see people on your child's family tree that do not belong in your immediate family, it is because I let them guide this project.  "Family" can be pretty broad for some of us, so I think it is fun to let the children include whoever they want to.  We know who lives in  your house, but isn't it interesting that they add other members that are important in their life?  This is always one of my favorite things to do with the children because some would need several sheets of paper to include all of those that they love! 

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