March 2020

March 2020

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Visit From The Fire Truck

 You guessed it - today was our visit from the FIRE TRUCK!!!!  It was so exciting.  We met the firemen and got to climb through the FIRE TRUCK!!!  I am using all capitals because this was so much fun for our class.  Our fire truck visit ended our week of fire safety education.  We talked about not playing with matches and doing fire drills at home.  We also talked about testing the smoke detector and even made a pretend one today to remind us about why it has such an important job.  Please be aware that we do a simple lesson on fire safety because it can be very scary for our students - so I try really hard not to overwhelm them with information.  The most important lesson for the week came from the fireman you see pictured in the frames below.  He demonstrated what he looks like at each stage of getting ready for putting out a fire.  This is so critical because children are scared of the fire suit and especially his breathing equipment.  This fireman took the time to demonstrate what he sounds like when he breathes and how he sounds when he talks.  He emphasized that, should there be a fire at their home, the children should call out to the fireman and come when the fireman calls to them.  He also took the time to let the children come up and touch him to see that he is not a monster or something scary.  Thank you very much to the Oak Grove Fire Department for coming out today and teaching us about fire safety. 
 You can see the reflective stripes on his fire suit.  I think it is cool to see how they react to the flash on the camera.  These are so important when the firemen are actually in a fire and it is very dark.  These stripes make it so much easier to see each other.
 Here we are climbing through the fire truck and looking at all of the cool tools and fire equipment.
This is our homework for the weekend.  You do not have to return it to the school, but please take a few minutes to complete this with your child.  Sometimes things that look harmless can be a burn hazard.  You never know when these little lessons will come in handy. 

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