March 2020

March 2020

Friday, March 22, 2013

Looking Ahead

Here is our Easter art project.  I don't really think it needs an explanation except for the fact that I don't like for the children to really focus on Jesus' death on Good Friday.  (We are only 4 and 5 years old.)  This can be a little scary for our boys and girls and, yes, I know this is the most important part of Easter - but the idea of death can be overwhelming for us.  We spend lots of time talking about the Easter story and Jesus' death but we have to jump ahead to Easter morning, or as one child says, "when Jesus escapes the cross."  As I said in a previous post, we have plenty of time as we grow up to understand the meaning of Jesus' death and what eternal life means, so here our the butterflies to remind us that Jesus makes things new.  It is as simple as that...we are a new creation in Christ and thank goodness He gave His life for me to have many new "creations" on those days where I might not be at my best.  Thank you God for giving us your son, Jesus.

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