March 2020

March 2020

Sunday, March 3, 2013

God's Speed

This is my nephew and he is very proud to serve in the US Military.  He was deployed today for active duty and we are praying for the safety of his unit.  He is such a wonderful young man and my boys look to him as a hero.  He is a graduate of the Citadel and is anxious to fulfill his duty in a far away land.  Tears of worry, pride, sadness, anticipation and everything else that you can imagine streamed down many faces as the men and women of this unit completed their deployment ceremony this morning.  Mothers, fathers, wives, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends but most importantly - young children sad goodbye to loved ones for at least one year.  So often we take our freedom for granted and forget the sacrifices made by our service members.  Please take some time to thank those military service members that you see and pray for those who serve abroad.  It will seem like a lifetime before he makes it back home but not once did he complain or express dread or sadness - just pride to serve our military.  As a mother of still young men, I cannot imagine what this does to your heart.  I just know that our home has been filled with a range of emotions.  We are so proud of him and count the days until he comes home!

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