March 2020

March 2020

Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patrick's Day

Did you wear green today? In case you have forgotten, today is St. Patrick's Day! What a "magical" day we had!!!!! Our little leprechaun friend escaped his warm, cozy home and brought fun to our school. There were tiny green footprints all around and our thoughts raced about where he might have gone. The children were so excited to look around our room and propose ideas of what might have happened overnight. We went on a treasure hunt find our Leprechaun and followed some rainbow clues that he left to guide our way.
Our treasure hunt ended in the Sanctuary of the church, where our leprechaun left us some treats. He was no where to be found, but left us a cool shamrock to remind us that God is the Father, Son & Holy Spirit. This is a complicated thought, but was explained by remembering that God is with us everywhere, even in spirit. We got a splash of water from the Baptismal pool to remind us that His spirit lives in our hearts all of the time.
These little green people had a fun day and I'm sure had lots of stories to tell. Imagination is a wonderful thing!!! Happy St. Patrick's Day 2011!

1 comment:

ShanFan said...

Love the first picture of the girls in their greens. I love St. Patrick's Day. It represents so many things on so many levels. Yesterday I was reminded of the Shamrock & its relation/ symbolism of the Trinity. Thank you for that. Have a great weekend Mrs. Laura!