March 2020

March 2020

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I think this question of the day says it all. Funny how no one was brave enough to put their clothespin on the "no" side. Since we are learning about the letter M, we spent some time talking about manners and even colored a place mat to use at home to help remind us of our good manners. It is so funny that the children talked the most about "chewing with your mouth closed." Who knew that was so important to them? We also read some fun books about manners and will spend some time putting those to work in our classroom. (Let me know how this works out at home.)

1 comment:

ShanFan said...

ahh yes! now it makes perfect sense. Out of the blue Savi asks me what chewing your gum loudly is called. I asked "what?" She replies: "Smacking".... Oh Mrs. Manners we love you so! A good one to learn (that some in this world have forgotten- I see it all the time) is "helping hold a door open for the person who is exiting or following close behind you". Very hard for weak and small arms but good to "think" to put others before yourself...:)