March 2020

March 2020

Thursday, March 24, 2011

100th Day

In case you didn't know, we made it to our 100th day of school. The counting caterpillar reached 100 and crawled almost halfway around our room. It was a day of 100 starting with the 100 steps to our playground. Then we did 100 exercises and competed by groups in the 100 yard dash. (If your child was unusually tired, they should have been. We did a lot of physical exercise with the other four year old classes.)
We also enjoyed a tasty snack mix made from 100 different treats brought in by friends. It was so good and actually quite healthy. The fun part was seeing what everyone got in their "handful" of snack mix. One of our friends said, "hey all of that stuff in the bowl and I didn't even get a pretzel." Children sure are observant when it comes to snacks. You should have found a little bag of this fun treat in your child's bag. They weren't sure whether they wanted to share with anyone at home.
Being 100 at school is more fun than we imagined, but kind of sad because that means school is moving towards then end. Can you believe that there are only 2 more months of school? We concluded our celebration by making a 100th day snake. It was a little harder than we thought because we had to look for the 5's & 10's and color our snake by listening to instructions. They were lots of fun to wave around, but too delicate for our windy day. Happy 100th day everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where can I find the caterpillar for the classroom.?