March 2020

March 2020

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Blue & Gold Banquet

If you do not have a son, you probably know nothing of the "Blue & Gold" Banquet. I didn't either until Emerson started Webelos. It is the award ceremony for the Cub Scouts and I was so inspired after attending last night. There were 50 boys and their families in attendance and the entire night was devoted to honoring their hard work during this year. Each child received awards for service and learning - primarily about personal responsibility to "do their best." These guys were beyond proud and excited about their accomplishments - not to mention their parents. Here is Emerson with his scout leaders. He looked so grown up in his uniform.
We are so proud of Emerson and his love of the Scouting program. It did my heart good to see so many families supporting this program and it made me hopeful for our future generation. There is no award for "texting" or playing video games. The focus is leading a healthy lifestyle, helping others and, above all, - to do your best. Great Job Emerson!!!!

1 comment:

ShanFan said...

Yeah for Emmerson! Congratulations to him! You must be so proud:) He looks very handsome as well in his uniform!