March 2020

March 2020

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Prayer is one of those things we do in our classroom several times a day. For meal & snack we use "God Our Father. " To close our "circle" time, we do, however, take a moment for each child to share a personal prayer concern. As I have mentioned before these prayers are sometimes so fun, like the thank you prayer for the new pack of gum; but sometimes, they are much more serious. Your little ones have such compassionate hearts and share concerns about family members who are sick. They are comforted by our prayers for each other and are so happy when we make cards for those mentioned in our prayers. Well - I don't know why I have never done this - but I would like to start a class prayer list. Our class is really a family, brought together by this preschool. If you have a prayer concern for a loved one, just send me an email. I can add a list to our weekly newsletter.

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