March 2020

March 2020

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What About Aliens?

Since we have been learning about space, there have been many questions about what else lives in the starry sky. (Even though we try to avoid this subject - it always seems to come up.) Although no one can really answer this question, I do not believe in providing scary images to children. For some reason they all get really panicked when this subject comes up and my standard answer is as follows, "if God created the Earth and stars and everyone here - would he create something scary & bad in space?" I do not know if this is right, but it is what I believe in my heart. Today was all about our space friend, the alien. We read a fun book about a little boy and an alien who became friends. As you can see we also had a good time with our new blue visitor named Pidge. He even helped us say our class blessing and talked to us about eating healthy snacks. This was just one of those days where we tried to steer imaginations to a good, safe place and ignore some of those scary concepts from the media. Happy Alien Day!

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