March 2020

March 2020

Monday, February 14, 2011

Is It Valentine's Day? Really?

Are you a valentine? Of course we all are. You can see from these smiling faces that today was a special day. Can you guess what was in the air?

By the looks of the treat buckets it is that one day of the year that we celebrate love! (Not coffee - even though most of us adults would love to have a day to celebrate this most delicious brew.) These buckets were part of our "reuse & re-purpose" class program. (Folgers would be proud to see so many of these red canisters displayed so proudly this Valentine's Day.)
Today was our Valentine's Day Celebration, however, in our class - we celebrate this every day. How? Why? Well - God's love is a daily valentine. We don't have to ask for it or even really think about it much - He just loves us all the time. BUT - It was a perfect time to make treats, share treats and just be full of love. We made cakes for our dads (or as many of us proclaimed for all of us to share) and enjoyed practicing our decorating skills. As you can see from the "chocolatey" mustache some of us even enjoyed tasting the frosting. (Someone had to make sure it tasted yummy!)
These little celebrations are the memories we will treasure the most in our adult life. Classroom parties will become few & far between once you enter the public school setting - so we try to make childhood last just a little bit longer. I know that most of you reading this can recall a fun valentine that you received when you were a child. We had so much fun with our festival of love and hope that everyone at home is enjoying it too. Happy Valentine's Day today and every day because God loves you.

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