March 2020

March 2020

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

More Inspiration

I know I put up the quote yesterday for inspiration, but today it just about slapped me right in the face AND it came from one of your precious children. I know you don't believe that your children listen and learn at home - but they really do. Here is the story.... at the end of the day we were cleaning up centers and finishing our work. Some of us were not doing our very best and required a little more detailed instruction. This resulted in some unfriendly comments from friends. Well I did not have to say anything because one of the children spoke up and asked the class - "haven't you ever heard of the Golden Rule?" They all stopped talking and he explained "this means that you do unto others as you want them to do unto you." It didn't take a lot of further explaining for the children to understand what this meant. Isn't it amazing that sometimes God just speaks to us right where we are standing. What a great job I have!!!!

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