March 2020

March 2020

Friday, September 10, 2010

Prayer Pockets

You should have found a prayer pocket in your child's papers from this week. It includes a picture of our friends from Tanzania and the names of children in our class. Next week's theme is "Family, Friends & Feelings." Our class prayer pocket is an avenue to encourage children to think about others during our prayer time. We do have prayer time at the close of "circle" time each day and the children are allowed to share prayer "thoughts." We all agree that when we pray we can talk to to God about anything - even if it is a dance costume, a fall off of a bike, a bad dream or loving our mommy. God listens to our hearts - through songs, play and quiet time and isn't this great?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are enjoying the prayer pockets. Sometimes Hank wants to pick the name, sometimes it's random. Great idea.

Mike Clough
a.k.a. "Hank's Dad"