March 2020

March 2020

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Way Down Deep In The Deep Blue Sea

Today we had a great fire drill and I am so very proud of this class. They lined up in alphabetical order and walked so orderly out of the door. I cannot say enough how proud I was of their behavior. The real fire alarm was sounded and it was LOUD, but there was no panic, no disorder and no fear. Yeah for our children. But, after all of the fun of the big event, we returned to our ocean unit. We made jellyfish for our collage.

We also made snorkels for exploring the deep blue water of the ocean and had lots of fun pretending to take a deep sea dive.
These little masks proved to be great for our imaginations. They are laminated in the front, but have tiny holes punched throughout for safety. I don't know if they will make it in a bathtub, but they are completely covered in plastic. So - if they ask - I say let them explore and imagine their way to new ocean adventures.

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