March 2020

March 2020

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Bible Heroes

Can you believe that this is our last full week of preschool? We are still working hard in our classroom learning about Bible heroes. On Monday we learned about Joseph and his coat of many colors. We learned that he had a forgiving heart even when his brothers needed food. It is hard for us to understand that forgiveness is what life is all about. This was a very serious kind of story to learn and most of us really still can't understand why Joseph's brothers would throw him the hole and sell him away to strangers. (Isn't childhood wonderful? When life is so innocent and everyone is good - I wish I didn't ever have to explain the serious side of things to these boys and girls.) We also learned about Jonah and how God put him in "time-out" in the whale's tummy. This was a little easier for the children to understand and we can all appreciate the value of a good time out to clear our head. The children could relate because we have been reading about "Skippyjon Jones" and his need to do some "serious thinking." Jonah took his three days to clear his head and make some better choices - another thing we can all relate to. Please spend some time talking to your children about Bible heroes and how they can be heroes too. Even in our classroom, we are still learning to treat others with respect and love.

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