March 2020

March 2020

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Glittery, Golden Shoes

Childhood is the best. I say it often and I know this right down to the bottom of my heart. Everything is fun and magical and safe! There is so much giggling that you can't help but smile 100% of the time and today these shoes were the greatest thing I have ever seen in my life. (I actually saw them on Tuesday but lost my mind and did not take a picture.) They are so wonderfully glittery and shiny that they carry all of your troubles away - especially if you are 5. Please don't think that I am crazy, but children are much wiser than we all give them credit. I think the serious nature of our times makes us lose perspective and forget the really important things like just living life. Enjoy all of the little things and that makes the "big things" not quite so bad. (This was the rambling of a blessed preschool teacher that is glad God blessed her with a wonderful day!)

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I recognize those feet! I love your insight. Maybe we all should just walk around with glitter shoes and then the world may be a happier place! Case in point... while shopping today Madelyn had about five women tell her how much they loved her shoes. Interesting enough I did buy some black glittery heels today with Madelyn's help.