March 2020

March 2020

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Another "Star" Day

It is only our 21st day of school and we are mastering so many new things.... like learning to tie shoes, put our coats on without help and putting our lunchbox in our school bag before dismissal.  How awesome?  It is wonderful to see these children build confidence by learning to do things on their own.  So many times our boys and girls say, "I don't know how to do that," but after a few times with coaching they get it on their own and the accompanying smile is PRICELESS.  I cannot tell you how many times I have heard a little voice say, "I did that all by myself," and a friend responds with "I told you that you could."  We work together and celebrating these accomplishments together is even better.  Thank you God for these boys and girls and for helping them have the courage to try new things.

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