March 2020

March 2020

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

What We Really Do On A Rainy Day!

On rainy days, we nap. Well maybe on this one rainy day, we could have napped. We listened to a Christmas music box and the slow "twinkly" music made us feel so calm. The rainy weather, quiet classroom and soft music made us all so relaxed that we thought about napping. We had just finished listening to a story about a quiet little mouse and his Christmas adventure and thinking of his snowy cabin was just what we needed to talk about "rest time." As we get a little closer to big school next year, we will talk more about the daily schedule and the real "rest time" there. The children always get so nervous thinking that they will have to take a "nap" at school. It is reassuring to help them understand that it is really just a time during the day to let them take a break and prepare for their remaining learning activities. Kindergarten is five whole days a week and lasts until 2:20 pm. Thank goodness we still have time at preschool to get ready. The best part of this whole story was how amazing these children are for appreciating God's gift of these quiet moments.

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