March 2020

March 2020

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Praying Thanks For The Pilgrims

Today we continued our Thanksgiving lesson and talked a little bit more about why the Pilgrims left England. Most of us got the idea that the King was mean, but religious freedom is too much for our four year old students to understand. Mostly they just say because "the King was super mean & bossy. Well we took a few minutes to visit the church Sanctuary and sat quietly. It is a huge room with beautiful stained glass, so it feels quite peaceful...even when 12 four year old children in walking around. Being quiet can sometimes be a prayer in itself, so here we are saying thank you to God for the very brave Pilgrims, who came across the ocean in the "stinky" Mayflower for 66 days. We don't know what it means to be able to worship God in our own way, but we are really glad that they met the Native Americans and learned to grow corn. (and one of us is mostly grateful for the color turquoise, because Native Americans invented it.)

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