March 2020

March 2020

Friday, August 30, 2013

Our Room

For those of you who did not get to visit our preschool, I will try to feature some things on the blog so you can have a better idea of what we do.  This is the "focus" wall of our "circle" time.  (Remember the rug is actually a rectangle and the children always remind me that we are not having "circle" time, it is "rectangle" time.  I should get smart and start calling it "rug" time but old habits die hard.)  We always start by drawing our helper name from the "cookie jar."  This lucky boy or girl gets to sit in the red helper chair and be our line leader for the day.  This friend leads our class in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Salute to the flag of South Carolina.  We might even sing a few silly songs or exercise before we sit down to practice our listening skills.  We do our calendar and count the days of the month.   There is always a pattern in our calendar days, so we do our best to predict what will be next.  This month the pattern was "person, number, person, number....)  We also practice reciting and spelling the name of the month.  Pretty soon we will start singing a song about the months of the year.  (Warning,this is another catchy tune that will get stuck in your head.)  We also recite and spell our day of the week and, you guessed it, sing a song about all seven of them.  There is time to talk about our monthly Bible verse and then we listen to the books for the day.  There are a few proposed books for each day but this is based on the "wiggle" factor of my little faces.  We generally have a few minutes to share with our friends and close our circle with a class prayer and blessing.  This "circle" time can go a little off course depending on what is happening in the world around we might never make it to our lesson plan.  I think that we have done some of our best learning in past classes when we followed what was our on our little class minds.

You can also see our "behavior" board.  We all have a pencil that can move up or down.  This is based on the choices we make in our classroom.  It is a BIG deal to move your pencil to "Outstanding," also known as "the stars."  We can move our pencils up here if we are "caught' being a really good helper or standing quietly in line when our friends are talking...just something that is super good behavior. My boys and girls last year got really good at moving their "pencils up."  These boys and girls were really good "bucket fillers."  Stay tuned for other pictures of the preschool.  You will see our chapel, the Japanese teacher, the music teacher, and Pastor Jay. 

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