March 2020

March 2020

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Are You A Bucket Filler?

 Today we read Have You Filled A Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud.  Since we are developing our little class community, it is a wonderful way to teach the children about being a helper.  The book is a little long, so I summarize a few pages, but in the end we all know the difference between a "bucket filler" and a "bucket dipper."  (You should probably become familiar with these little phrases because you will be hearing them a lot this year.)  Going back to my post from yesterday, it is all about learning to identify behaviors and change the ones that don't work out so well.  (Sometimes we don't want to admit that we are "bucket dippers" too and it takes a gentle reminder to make a change.)  I managed to take a few pictures today between working with the students.  (This gets harder and harder as the year goes on and we are totally engaged in learning activities.  Most of the time our day is gone and I have no idea where the time went.)  I know, however,  that you just got "your bucket filled" with these beautiful smiles.  So pay it forward and fill a few buckets yourself.  A simple smile goes a very long way.

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