March 2020

March 2020

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Nativity

Here is our little nativity. It is very simple but it is an easy way to remember what Christmas is really about - Baby Jesus. As you can see our manger is empty. You can turn on your little candle each night as you say prayers or read a book. We are talking during this season of Advent about letting our lights shine like Jesus shines His love on the world. (And like the light of the magnificent Christmas star.) One of the children asked why were there were no faces on Mary & Joseph. This was intentional on my part. We will learn throughout these next few weeks that the journey to the Nativity was not always fun & easy - so sometimes the faces would not be happy. (An example we talked about was how it would have felt when Mary & Joseph were turned away from the inn.) Of course if your child wants to add a face please feel free. The arrival of Baby Jesus is joyous and as a child it should all be about Christmas joy!!! (A Disclaimer - please do not inspect your nativity for quality workmanship. I did all of this by myself and am not an expert wood worker. This means that nothing is level - so it may need to be propped up or displayed on a stable surface.) Wait patiently on Baby Jesus... He will come home at a later date.


Jamie said...

Madelyn loves her Nativity. She said that today she played in her room by herself and knelt by the nativity and said some special prayers to Jesus. You are so wonderful Mrs. Laura!!! Thank you!

Casey said...

nice pics, i thought it is a gym buddy trying to achieve Weight Loss