March 2020

March 2020

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

It Must Be Pajama Day

We celebrated the "day before the last day of school" with pajama day. This is always a super fun day filled with energy & excitement. Even though it was probably one of the coldest mornings in years, we braved the bitter chill in our pj's for a movie & some hot chocolate. (and some work too.) Again I confess that the energy in our classroom is contagious and invigorating. Yes it is loud, but childhood is magical and this is the season to celebrate! We also ended our day with our warm hot chocolate. (complete with marshmallows, whipped cream & sprinkles.) If you haven't ever celebrated pajama day, maybe you should recommend it to your employer. It is really fun, especially if you have any shopping to do. I am not sure if other shoppers thought I was a little crazy or maybe just "really" in the Christmas spirit.

1 comment:

girlygirls said...

Chloe's such a little squirt LOL!