March 2020

March 2020

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Thank You Dr. King

Even though we are tiny little classroom in a very small preschool, we are learning that we are part of much larger world.  Of course we spend a lot of time talking about God's amazing love for all of us... no matter what we do or what we look like... but we also spend  a lot of time learning about those around us.  So as we prepared for the  Martin Luther King Jr. holiday we talked about what friendship really means.  We also talked about a super big word... "diversity."  I know that I really do dumb it down a lot, but I explain this by saying that "this word means we can all be friends... no matter what we look like, what we eat, what toys we have, where we live, what our favorite color is....IT means that the more different we are... the more fun we can have playing and learning together."  Sadly, as we enter the real world around us, it really isn't this easy.  So to celebrate for Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, we made some friendship drawings in all kinds of colors and it is my prayer that the little people in these drawings can help change this world by teaching others how to open their hearts and accept each other.  Thank you Dr. King for sharing this message with us.

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