March 2020

March 2020

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Pajama Day

Wearing pajamas to preschool?  BEST DAY EVER!!!! Yes it was rainy and we couldn't go to the playground... but it was still an awesome day!!!! It was a cozy kind of day with the gray sky outside our window, but we made the best of it!  Look at all of the amazing fun stuff we did to help us learn and have lots of fun! 

We made some strides in engineering with our block & Lego center....
in science... we developed some new theories about dinosaurs, space exploration and entomology....
Our art project was all about fine motor skills... We made some crazy cool necklaces.  You know those holes in beads are pretty tiny and takes a lot of concentration to get them on our chords.  Plus all of the options with beads... patterns, colors, shapes.  It takes a long time to get it just right.
Our boys used their "home economic" skills in our home living center... pretending to cook and take care of infants...(However... I am glad we have several years before we actually put these skills to work.)
 We even practiced our gift wrapping skills with Mrs. Kelli.  (These are super top secret gifts we've been working on since August!  NO PEEKING mom & dad.)
 We used our brains to do some phonics puzzles....
 We made time to practice writing our names and using our imaginations to make some fun postcards to send to our parents over the holidays.
 And in play dough... we used our imaginations to make some tiny snowmen.  Yes... snow isn't green... but it was a great day to think about seeing those beautiful white snowflakes falling outside our window.
 And well... some of our time we were just having plain old fun and looking adorable.  Preschool pajama day is the BEST!

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