March 2020

March 2020

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

I'm Not Kidding - Another Super Day

Our third day and we LOVE school!  This precious angel made a sign for me and Mrs. Kelli!!!  Totally overfilled my bucket. (Do your remember me saying that I can't believe I get paid to do this job?  Now you know why!!!!!)  Just a few pictures from our classroom....this is our check in board. Every morning we put our little people in our pockets to let everyone know that we are at school.   As our year goes on this check in  process gets more difficult.  We will use our first name, last name, initials, address, phone number and birthday to do this part of our day.  I know it sounds really hard, but our boys and girls will be able to do this in no time. 
Below you see our daily schedule chart....(it helps us manage our day and know when our moms are coming back.)  One of our new class jobs is "schedule keeper."  This person has the important task of moving this clothes pin down to guide us through our day.  This person also has to occasionally remind this teacher when she forgets to do certain things.   (I have no problem admitting that I sometimes need a four year old to keep me on task.)
 And our gumball helps us count our way to 100 days!!!!  Right now we are trying to form a hypothesis about whether or not 100 gumballs will actually fit into this machine, however, we already all agree that no one should ever chew 100 pieces of gum.  (See how smart we already are?)
Today we read the book you see below...Since we are learning how to come together as a class - it was lots of fun to hear this silly story about crayons who could not get along.  We talked about what it means to work together and how God made us all different.  Then we did a really cool science experiment with some old crayons.  We peeled them and put the broken pieces together to make new heart shaped crayons.  Everyone will get to see what happened with this project during circle tomorrow.  (melted crayon wax sometimes takes a very long time to cool off.)
Then we had some fun playing in centers and doing some really fun art projects.  
It is hard to believe that it is only our third day of school.  We worked on being "bucket fillers" and can't wait to see what kind of fun things tomorrow holds.

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