March 2020

March 2020

Thursday, October 16, 2014


 If you have heard your child singing a song...."in my life Lord be glorified,..." this is a tune we have been singing at chapel with Pastor Jay.  It is one of those songs that you find yourself singing or humming throughout the day and I LOVE to hear the boys and girls in our class just start singing this as they as playing or working.  Pastor Jay changes the words around to include our school, our heart, our family....etc...It is perfect for times when we feel afraid, sad or happy.  We also read the book you see below.   Since Jesus starts with our letter of the week, it was totally perfect.  It just reminded us that Jesus is with us all the time and walks with us through good and bad days and that just makes everything better.  Thank you Jesus for being in our hearts everywhere that we go!!!

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