March 2020

March 2020

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Show & Tell

 Here are pictures from show & tell this week.  (Stay tuned because we still have one more day.)   It is always so much fun to see what treasured item they bring in during this week of school.  You can see a picture of beloved pet, a karate uniform and belt, a special caboodle used for dance competitions, a cool Chinese drum that is really from China, a very special hand painted dolphin, some cool spy toys, a Power Ranger and a V-Reader.

Show & Tell has been really great!  The boys and girls have been eager to share with our class and did a great job presenting their special item.  Learning to speak to small groups is such a scary thing and our goal is to inspire confidence in each child.  They were so comfortable as they spoke to their friends and were considerate with the items that they brought to share.  Due to coughs and colds, we aren't passing things around right now, but each child took the time to walk around to each friend to let them get a closer look.  Friends "on the rug" were also very good because it isn't easy to keep your hands too yourself when there is such an inviting toy right in front of you.  Watching my own children grow up isn't easy and these little ones are just as difficult to watch.  They are all so loving and are growing up so fast!  I am so proud of them!

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