March 2020

March 2020

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Off Into Space

This is one of the best themes in our! It is one of my favorites and the the children love it too! We start by talking about how you even make it to space in the first place to take a look around and work our way around the galaxy. I am not sure if you have heard your child singing our fun "planets" song, but is really catchy. Here are some pictures of our friends working and playing. Our friend above is making a shape rocket to hang in our room as we travel from planet to planet. We also have friends putting together a huge floor puzzle of the solar system.
Some of us even demonstrated what a "space nap" might look like. Funny how it looks like just like an "Earth" nap...but it would probably be so much more exciting.
We also used our imaginations with the Lego sets and building blocks to build rockets and space stations. Keep watching for more of our journey into space. It is so much fun to watch the children get excited about learning. I think the most favorite thing so far is Pluto...the planet that isn't a planet anymore.

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