March 2020

March 2020

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Johnny Applesseed Day

We started our Johnny Appleseed festivities with a "blind" taste test.  The apples were peeled and cut on paper plates... looking pretty much exactly alike.  So as each child entered our room, they tasted a piece from each plate labeled with the numbers 1-3 and voted...  What an interesting concept?  They came to the table telling me they only like the red apples... and guess what... number 3 was the column for the yellow apples.  We did the big reveal during circle and learned that column 1 was red delicious and column 2 was granny smith... So shout out to the Golden Delicious... this year's class favorite.

 Later we learned about Johnny Appleseed and his LOVE of all varieties.  We made these cute little hats to remind us that he walked all over this beautiful country sharing apples wherever he went. Johnny Appleseed had to walk and carry all of his belongings.. so this hat is to remind us that he used his pot as a hat.  (Well and he probably used it to make delicious applesauce too.)

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