March 2020

March 2020

Friday, September 22, 2017

Friends & Families Make Life Fun

 Our letter this week was the letter L.... and we spent our week talking about friends, feelings and families.... and of course.... LOVE!  So above you see one of our friend's books about our family....It is hard for our boys and girls to understand the importance of all of those around us... but we are learning that as we grow and get older... we can be more independent...but we also see that we need all of those around us!!! We spend a lot of time talking about the changes that happened as we grew from a baby into a smart, strong four year old student.  So, the hard part now is to see how we fit into the world around us.  We have families and friends to help us in all that we do and to make life so much for fun!!! Of course we don't always like the same things... and that's were sharing, kindness and acceptance come into play.  (That's crazy hard for us as adults too.)  You can see from the pictures below that we are learning to play with each other... friends old and new to us this year. We are also learning that when we mess up.... it is totally okay... we all have those days... BUT... we can say "I'm sorry."  Friends mess up and friends forgive.
 So to help us remember that we care for each other - just like God cares for each of us... we got a "prayer pocket" to take home.  This is a small turtle pillow with a message that says "God Cares."  There is a pocket on the tummy that contains each child's name and a message that reminds us to take one card out each night to pray for this friend.
When the cards are all out... they can go right back in and our prayers can start all over.   It is amazing how much God loves each one of us... no matter what we do or say.  This little turtle reminds us to remember that each friend is special in their own way.

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