March 2020

March 2020

Thursday, September 10, 2015

What Is Friendship Cake?

I bet you have been wondering about this friendship cake thing.... it sounds really strange... but before you do anything, you have to start with a perfect little group of God's babies to make it taste just right....(And even on our worst days they are a perfect little group of God's babies... all picked by Him to be in our class family this year.)
Then we started by talking about the things we need to bake a real cake... like sugar, flour, eggs, a bowl, a spoon and an oven... pretty good for four year old boys and girls.  Next we looked at our box of cake mix and talked about how it has all of the baking stuff in it.  We made sure we had a bowl and spoon and mixed it all together.  Once we mixed it up it was just plain white cake mix, it smelled delicious, but it was nothing special.  So here comes the part that makes it a "friendship" cake... we each got our on little cup of cake batter and chose a color to add. You can see from the pictures above that each one of us had fun mixing it up.
 Then we dumped each individual cup into our baking dish and swirled it together.  The colors are so beautiful, kinda like a rainbow.
Then Mrs. Kelli took it to the kitchen and baked it for us.
You can't see from the picture, but the cake was just as colorful after it came out of the oven.  We added some delicious frosting and yummy sprinkles to make it just right.  So we all helped to make the cake because friends work together.  Then we shared this with the other four year class at our special snack time.  It was lots of fun because they made lemonade to share with us.
And to make our day even better, we made a friendship circle and traded these cool bracelets we made in our classroom.
We love our bracelets!!!
Friendship cake is the best... and so is making so many new friends at school!!!

1 comment:

Katie said...

This is about the sweetest thing I've ever seen! What a great idea!