March 2020

March 2020

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Even though it was cold and nasty outside, we had a great day with that silly St. Patrick's Day leprechaun.  Our school was covered in tiny green footprints and gold glitter was everywhere.  This little green guy or girl had been all over our school and we went on a hunt to find the pot of gold. 
 We went down the leprechaun... 
 We even braved the cold, damp air - no leprechaun.  (Not on the playground - not anywhere.)
 But we followed those clues and just like they said AND we found the pot of gold!
Although we actually never saw this little green friend - we were so excited about the golden candies that were left for us.  (But I think we were more excited to see all of the fun stuff that he or she left for us).  We measured our feet and decided that this little leprechaun was so tiny and small and maybe that is why we actually never found him or her.  Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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