March 2020

March 2020

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Looks Like Kindergarten

Just some random pictures of our class at work.  Everyone was learning and playing and having a great time.  This was what I like to call a "kindergarten" day.  The children were exploring science cards and animal books and doing puzzles that they described at the beginning of the year as "too hard."  They were working with Legos and blocks and building structures.  Some were reading books and problem solving with friends.  Our play dough table (not pictured because my batteries died in my camera) was making snowmen and exploring different textures.  I am always so humbled by the children and their growth during the year.  Yes they are ready for kindergarten and so eager to learn.  It is exciting for me to think of all that they will learn next year and wonderful to see them ready to go.  (Some of us have even started reminding me that they won't see me next year because they will be at kindergarten.) This part of "growing up" isn't so bad for me because everyone is excited and ready to proceed in "big school."  Thank goodness we have a little more time to work and play together.

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