March 2020

March 2020

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Working Is Learning!

Doing our best work is what we do. If you have heard your child talk about their "best work" - we really do say this in our classroom. Mrs. Laurie and I encourage each child to try their very best at each task and sometimes play centers are just to distracting. When you review your child's papers on Thursday, you should be able to see "hurry" work vs. "best" work. Here is one of our friends taking his time with a paper project.
We also learn in centers - even though the children don't really know this. Here is one friend showing off the letter of the week in "playdough." (He didn't even know that he was showing off his learning skills. We are sneaky in our teaching practices aren't we?)
Here are friends playing and doing a great job being neat and orderly. Some of the tasks of growing up includes being organized in our play and cleaning up at the end of the day.
Learning is really fun. See our friend's beautiful smile. She is working hard and actually having fun. God is so good to us all the time. Thank you for entrusting your children to us to teach and for reinforcing learning skills at home.

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