Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Did You Say Sinterklaas?
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Is that you Santa Claus?
Get Ready for the Baby!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
"We Gather Together"
Saturday, November 22, 2008
"Gg" is also for Giving
Thank you to all of our four year old classes. We collected 215.5 pounds of food for the Lexington Interfaith Community Services Thanksgiving meal project. These donations will help families in need by providing them with a full Thanksgiving meal. "Gg" was our letter of the week and we learned that it means "give" and "grateful." These are big concepts for our boys and girls, but they were cheerful givers for God and those in need this holiday season.
Christmas Art for our Soldiers
Getting Ready for The Feast
Our Fall Program
Show & Tell for Grandparents
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Grandparents are Great!!!
What is this thing?
We added Lincoln Logs to our "Puzzles Center" and have had lots of fun building different things. The Pilgrims in our class our smart architects, but just can't figure out how long it would have taken to actually cut down enough trees to build a "real house."
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Boys Can Be Cheerleaders Too!
We Love Our "Nanas"
We Are Thankful
Thank YouTo Our Community Helper
Thank you to our community helper this week who took time to speak to our class about being in the military. Of course to all of our children, he is the "army man." The children loved meeting him and asking questions, totally not related to his job as an air national guardsman . Thank you so much for taking the time to visit with us and share your role as a community helper.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
School is Fun, No Matter What They Say
Are these your little monsters?
Can Children Vote?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Pumpkin Patch
Even though it was really chilly, we made it to the pumpkin patch today. I had to share the photo of our class. They were so excited to get their little pumpkins and were heartbroken to leave them at school today. I promised that we could take them home tomorrow or Thursday if we can get our decorating done. We used the democratic process to decide on the manner in which we will accessorize our little orange friends. Stay tuned for more on this topic. Also, just a reminder to dress warmly for the playground. We did stay in today because of our field trip to the "pumpkin patch." We already have lots of sniffles and coughs and I don't want any of us to miss out on Trick or Treat fun this Friday because of illness.
I had to share this funny photo. My sister & I had fun helping with our church trunk or treat. We are best friends and I love her very much. This was too good not to share. Happy Fall!
Friday, October 24, 2008
More Pictures Are On The Way
Parents, don't fret. If you don't always see your child's pictures here, there are many being taken. (And I don't always get the best picture.) I try to get as many pictures as possible, but teaching is my priority. I love to take photographs and try to share them when I can. I really hope that you enjoy this blog. There are 16 wonderful angels in our room and they share so many things with myself and Mrs. Julie. This blog is my way of sharing things that I can't include our newsletters. Have a wonderful weekend. "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24
"O" - Our Preschool Is So Much Fun
This is "Carl the Candy Corn Man." We made this little guy to brighten our classroom and replace our beautiful stained glass apples. He got his name by chance, but actually discovered that Carl is Mrs. Julie's father's name. We are so happy to honor his memory with this cheerful creation. The children had a great time painting, cutting, pasting, and creating. If you have some time, stop by our room and see your child's work. He hangs from our ceiling and makes us feel cheerful when see him move with the breeze.
"O" what a great week we had. We learned about the letter O and all about pumpkins. We are now building on the skills we have learned and will soon start writing some things on our own. (We have been in school for 30 days and have several letters in our memory banks to choose from.) The children did a great job changing their "morning check in" to their home address and are proud of learning more about responsibility. It is so much fun to see them achieve tasks on their own. We have posted a special chart in our room for children who can do puzzles on their own. (This was something that many thought was too hard.) They understand that solving a puzzle builds "brain power" by using their very own problem solving skills.
We also liked our Bible verse from Psalms, "it is good to give thanks to the Lord." We all agree that we especially give thanks for the friends in our classroom.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Have you ever played hopscotch?
We also made haystacks with Chinese noodles and milk chocolate chips. This was the closing activity for our unit on the five senses. This was a snack that you could see, hear, taste, touch and smell. Your child should be able to give you simple directions for this project. We sent home a sample for each family to try. (This was a parallel activity to our mini book about making jam, only we made a yummy chocolate treat.)
It was a wonderful week. Thank you for having such wonderful children and sharing them with us. It is a blessing to see God's love in their smiling faces and see him working in their hearts by sharing the gift of friendship.
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