March 2020

March 2020

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What is this thing?

This week we continue to learn about Native Americans and Pilgrims. We are so thankful for their friendship. It is still very hard for us to understand that the Pilgrims came to America without a house to move into or grocery stores to buy food. At the beginning of the week we found a teepee in our room. It is a great learning tool for the boys and girls to play in. Some of us have asked how the Native Americans kept warm during the Winter in a home made out of sticks and animal skins. (This really makes them appreciate our warm homes.) This unit is also teaching us about symbols and the importance of our land. We are working on our own Native American names and read a great book about a little boy named Blue Sky. We also made a cool cornucopia snack and talked about what this funny word means. (Attention parents, Bugles are a huge hit in our room. Do not be surprised if your children ask for them.)

We added Lincoln Logs to our "Puzzles Center" and have had lots of fun building different things. The Pilgrims in our class our smart architects, but just can't figure out how long it would have taken to actually cut down enough trees to build a "real house."
This Thanksgiving season is so much fun to experience with your children. We are planning for our "Four Year Old Class Feast" before our holiday break. It is very rewarding to see how much the children are growing and learning.

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