March 2020

March 2020

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Santa's Little Classroom

 These last few weeks have been kind of like a "secret Santa classroom."  We've been putting the finishing touches on our gifts for our parents so it is has been pretty hard to take pictures to post. We have not stopped learning new things and practicing our letters and numbers, but we have been hard work making Christmas ornaments to teach us about Christmas Around The World.    We made gingerbread ornaments....from Germany.
AND decorated some tasty gingerbread cookies with Mrs. Kelli. 
We had fun celebrating St. Lucia Day.... And our girls made these beautiful wreaths to wear as they served snacks to our boys.
 We have also been watching Jingles and had a great time trying to guess where he might be each morning that we arrive at school.  He sure does land in some scary places.  We think it is because it takes so long to fly back and forth to the North Pole.
AND!!!! We had a totally adorable and precious little puppy stop by to say HI!  This friend and his Nanny brought her new puppy in to meet our class.  He is SOOOOO cute.
 We have still had lots of fun playing in centers...
and enjoying brisk, sunny days on the playground...
And I can't forget..... WE also wrapped presents for our parents!  Presents that WE made!!!!!  Presents that are supposed to go home and be placed under the tree... WITH NO PEEKING from parents.
 And finally... we spent lots of time practicing for our Christmas program.  Whew!  It sure is hard work to be a preschooler at Christmas.  We have been busy, busy, busy!

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