March 2020

March 2020

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Thankful Tuesday

I'm apologizing up front for so few posts...but we are in our busiest time at the preschool!!! HOW DID IT GET TO BE THANKSGIVING????  We are working so hard in our classroom learning that I rarely have time to grab my camera!!!  So this is today... look at these faces.  You can almost feel the energy in the photos.  Our classroom is bubbling with excitement as we work on our feast preparations.  We have been learning about the Native Americans and have just started talking about the Pilgrim's long journey on the Mayflower.  I know it is greatly watered down at this age, but we work hard to teach our boys and girls that this was a time when two totally different groups of people came together as friends.  So below you see a couple of our classmates with their "wampum" bags.  Ours are made of paper bags not animal skin.... and they are filled with nature's treasures like sea shells, feathers, and leaves... but they are pretty cool.  I can only imagine how this gets translated to your home... but we are having an amazing time learning about this special time in history.  Stay tuned for information about the Mayflower... no bathrooms, no beds... and NO TOYS!!!  Now that is something to talk about!

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