March 2020

March 2020

Friday, May 15, 2015

Almost To The End

We have been counting down our days until graduation with the same little countdown chain we use at Christmas.. and yes it is getting shorter than I am prepared for....It never seems to come slow enough for me to get all of my "goodbyes" ready, but it is just right for the children.  How in the world did this year go so quickly?  It was August just a few weeks ago and we were all just getting to know each other....or at least that is what it feels like to me.  Oh well - never the less, we are ready to make the transition to summer vacation and start big school in August.  Here are some pictures of our week...
From playing and working in our room, our last week of show and tell, having lunch and generally just hanging around... we all know that our time together is growing short.  We are having a blast and making a joyful noise to our Lord.  He knew exactly what he was doing when he brought us all together for an amazing year of learning.

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