March 2020

March 2020

Monday, February 2, 2015

Happy Groundhog Day!!!

 Happy Groundhog Day 2015!  It is cold here in Lexington, South Carolina, but we are not in a major snowstorm like our friends in the North.  Don't get me wrong, we would LOVE to see just a tiny bit of snow, but have had just as much fun pretending that it snowed.  Today we learned that the groundhog did see his shadow.  So to honor him we had a really fun snack.  If you aren't a preschool student, you really have to use your imagination - but it is supposed to be a groundhog popping up out of his burrow.  (Yes it is a teddy graham on a pretzel stick, popping out of a chocolate covered doughnut.)  So whatever it looks like - it is just a good excuse to have a little doughnut for snack! Thank you Punxsutawney Phil for a great day and we'll take a few more days of winter - just in case it might snow!

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