March 2020

March 2020

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Back In Business

 That little holiday vacation didn't cause any disruption to our learning.... no way.  We are such super smart learners that we came back with our "brains on high" and "bucket filler manners" to jump back into learning and playing.  No worries about all of these rainy days in a row....we can handle that.  We played in the gym and even had a little time for a winter Olympics style obstacle course.  It was a wonderful week in our classroom as we learned about the letter "w" and winter.  You can see some of our work for the week in our classmate's folder.   Take a few minutes to go through your child's work and get busy letting them teach you a thing or two about what happens during this snowy magical season.
And to top it all off - we ended our week with everyone on the stars!!!!!  That means our behavior and learning was over the top!!!!  We tried our very best with I am so proud of them.  Our Bible verse for January is Colossians 3:23 - ...."whatever you do, work at it with your whole heart..." and that is just what we did!!!! 

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