March 2020

March 2020

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Our Class Quilt of Blessings

Each week when we learn about a letter of the alphabet we usually try to find an art project to make our learning just a little bit more fun.  Well part of our letter "Q" fun a few weeks ago was beginning a paper quilt.   This project went into our theme of thankfulness and Thanksgiving and it is finally complete.  It is hanging at the landing of the stairway and is so beautiful.  To make our quilt, each child completed four squares.  The first was a paper quilt square with some scrapbook triangles.  The second was a nature angel on a square with a fall leaf we found on a nature walk.  The third was a picture of something they feel thankful for and the fourth is just a picture of their precious face.  I love how it all came together.    Here is a sweet little poem that goes with our quilt:  "With our hands we made this quilt, and we each made a special part, to show you the friendship we share, warms each little heart."  When we talked about being thankful we learned what it means to "count our blessings." I don't think we do very well with this in our daily lives because it is so hectic and busy, but this little art project sums it all up!

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