March 2020

March 2020

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to my sister and my mom.  We are very blessed to be close.  We are one of those crazy families that pretty much do EVERYTHING together.  If my boys are not at our home, they are at "Pete's", or at my parent's.  As they grew up they lovingly called them "mama" just as much as they called me "mama."  It is such an amazing gift to be a mother and I am humbled to meet so many wonderful moms every day.  I can never thank my mom enough for all of the things she did to make my life so wonderful as I grew up.  So as I write this post, I am thanking you for your child.  They are young and have no idea how hard it is to be a mama.  They do not know the tears that we shed when they are hurt or sad or how bad it hurts us when they make bad choices.  I don't think it ever gets easier because my boys are only in middle school.  I think we worry more instead of less and say so many prayers that they will follow God's purpose for them. So I hope that you each of you found your Mother's Day card and your candle treat from your child.  We worked on them this week at school and it is always so much fun for me to hear all of their answers to the questions about "my mom."  I wish you could hear them tell their friends all about you.  So for Mother's our answers to "I love my mom because..."
Aidan said, "because she is silly so much."
 Clare said, "because she is nice."
Colton  said, "because I love her."
Eric said, "because she sleeps with me at night."
Evan said, "because she plays with me."
Gracie said, "because she is so fabulous and pretty."
Juliana said, "because she always gives me hugs and kisses."
Lauren said, "because she is beautiful and nice."
Logan said, "because she loves me."
Morrison said, "because she lets me watch special shows."
Sami said, "because she loves me and we snuggle together."
Walker said, "because she loves me so much."
Happy Mother's Day!  Your children love you so much!

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