March 2020

March 2020

Monday, April 26, 2010

S Is For Spiders, Snakes & Sherbet

These are just a few "s" words from today. We discovered that fruit sherbet is really good. (So good that one friend said he was going to get this every time he goes to the ice cream store.) It was a refreshing treat that made our mouths smile with silly colors. We also made spiders last week when we were learning about insects and arachnids. They are hanging all around our room and aren't as creepy as you think. The children love looking at their work and it was perfect for our letter of the week.
We also have many other creatures in our science center. Today one of our friends overcame her fear of this center and the creepy crawly plastic friends that live there. She was very proud that she could even hold this plastic snake in her hand.

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