March 2020

March 2020

Thursday, March 11, 2010

It Is Almost That Time

It was cap and gown picture day. (Make sad face now.) It is always such a huge reminder that our year is nearly over. These boys and girls have grown so much and no matter how many times we do this, it never gets easier. This day makes us serious and reflective while the children giggle like crazy. Preschool is the best and you will find that once "big school" starts - the innocence your children have now will just vanish. I find myself reminding all parents that this gift of childhood is more of a gift to us parents than any of us really know. Our world moves faster and faster every day and we miss so many little things because of the haste of life. Take five minutes today to just talk to your child and inhale every tiny single thing they tell you. They grow up overnight and you can never get any of this back. Be sentimental - take pictures, read books, color, ride bikes, have picnics, play Legos, play Barbie...just have fun today.

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